The Fellowship of the Ring
(J.R.R Tolkien)

The Shire

Located in the North of Middle-Earth the Shire is a fertile land that serves as the home to Hobbits.

The Old Forest

The Old Forest is located in Crickhollow in the southern parts of the Shire. Few go there for it is believed to be cursed. The trees there are strange, seeming almost intelligent and possessing no goodwill toward two-legged creatures.


A small town to the South of the Shire, Bree is the only place in Middle-Earth where Men and Hobbits live alongside one another. A waypoint of sorts, it is a popular stop for travelers and is home to The Prancing Pony.


A plateau located in the wilderness between Bree and Rivendell, it was once a watch tower that long ago fell into ruin. It is a popular for woodsmen and rangers to camp and scout out their surroundings.


One of the more prominent Elvish settlements, Rivendell is home to Elrond, his household and family. It is a peaceful place filled with music, art and history. It serves as home to some of the most powerful Elves left living.


An ancient Dwarvish city built beneath the mountains, Moria is the world’s sole source of Mithril, a mineral scores more valuable than gold. Moria was abandoned long ago after the Dwarvish miners awoke a dark evil that had been resting in the caves. In the intervening years, it has become overrun with Orcs and other foul creatures.


An Elvish settlement, Lothlorien rests within a forest of Mallorn, trees of exceeding beauty and rarity elsewhere in the world. Lothlorien is kept safe against the powers of Sauron through the power and guidance of Galadriel and Celeborn.


A land near Rohan and Gondor, Isengard is ruled by the White Council and led by Saruman. Surrounded by a great wall, it is home to many ancient trees, most of which are destroyed by Saruman when allies himself with Mordor.


Rohan is a country populated by Men. The Rohan themselves concern themselves chiefly with farming and horse breeding. Their warriors fight best when mounted. Rohan is perhaps Gondor’s staunchest ally and one of Mordor’s greatest opponents. The capital of Rohan is Edoras.


Located along the very borders of Mordor, Gondor is Sauron’s chief enemy. Founded by the men of Numenor, its people have a long and noble lineage. Unfortunately, near constant conflict with Mordor, even in Sauron’s absence, has weakened its strength.

Minas Tirith

The capital of Gondor, Minas Tirith was built into the side of a mountain and rises in seven layers. Surrounded by strong walls, the symbol of the city is the White Tree which is rooted in its Citadel.


Built on the river near Minas Tirith, the city of Osgiliath has long been empty of life. Nonetheless, Gondor has fought long and hard to hold it against the forces of Mordor and maintains an outpost their in the city’s defense.


The land of Mordor is the kingdom is home to Sauron, the Dark Lord. It is a desolate and ruined land, destroyed by ages of misuse and warfare. Looming over the country and filling its sky with smoke and ash is Mount Doom in which the Ring of Power was forged.

Mount Doom

A volcano located in Mordor, Mount Doom is where Sauron forged the Ring of Power and the only place where it can be destroyed. Its darkness casts a shadow over all of Mordor.

Minas Morgul

Once a city of Gondor, Minas Morgul was captured by Sauron’s forces and now serves as the home of Nazgul. Now corrupted, it is one of the most dangerous places in all of Middle-Earth.

The Grey Havens

Located in the north, the Havens contain the ships the Elves intend to sail back to their homeland when they leave Middle-Earth.