The Fellowship of the Ring
(J.R.R Tolkien)

The Ring

The Ring of Power was created by Sauron. As long as the Ring exists Sauron cannot be wholly destroyed. The Ring itself is to a point, sentient. It wants to return to Sauron and corrupts all who use it. They come to need the Ring and love it. With time, they are twisted into monsters. If a person with great power were to use the Ring, it would corrupt the and in turn create a new Dark Lord to rival even Sauron.

Bilbo Baggins

The most famous Hobbit in the world at the book’s start Bilbo is considered odd by his own people. Having traveled abroad in his younger years (detailed in The Hobbit), he amassed not just a great fortune but also a curiosity and exuberance for life that his more docile kin don’t share. He also brought home from his journeys a magic ring which figures prominently in the story overall.

Frodo Baggins

Bilbo’s adopted heir, Frodo is a quiet, intelligent and friendly Hobbit, sharing many of Bilbo’s inclinations, if to a lesser degree. When the true, sinister nature of Bilbo’s magic ring is discovered he takes on the task of destroying it, an act of courage that dooms him to a journey of peril and danger.

Samwise Gamgee

Sam starts off as Frodo’s gardener and friend, and after learning about the Ring accompanies Frodo on his journey. Though more simple in mind than Frodo, Sam is stalwart, courageous and loyal. Frodo’s quest to destroy the Ring succeeds as much because of Sam’s support as it does through any action of Frodo’s.

Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck

A young Hobbit and a friend of Frodo’s, Merry accompanies Frodo on his quest. Though brave, he is frequently less capable than his companions and fears that he has served as nothing more than a burden to his friends. He is closest to his friend Pippin.

Peregrin “Pippin”

Took Another young Hobbit and friend of Frodo’s, Pippin also accompanies Frodo on the quest. He is a Hobbit defined often by his natural curiosity, at times to his detriment. He is closest to his friend Merry.


The owner of the Ring before Bilbo, Gollum is believed to have once been a creature not far removed from a Hobbit. Centuries of exposure to the Ring, however, have corrupted his personality and twisted his body into something monstrous. He is entirely ruled by his desire to possess the Ring and suffers from dual personalities; Smeagol, his more gentle side and Gollum, who is more violent and insane.


Known as “Gandalf the Grey” to most, Gandalf is an ancient wizard and a member of the White Council. Immeasurably wise and considerably powerful, he is respected by peoples across Middle-Earth. It was he who originally coaxed Bilbo into leaving the Shire on the adventure that yielded the Ring, and since then he has maintained close ties to the Shire, Bilbo and Frodo. Gandalf serves as a guide and is trusted as an advisor by most.


The leader of the White Council, Saruman is arguably the most powerful wizard in Middle-Earth. Gifted with a powerfully persuasive voice, he is skilled at convincing even his enemies to come to his side. Saruman, unfortunately, falls to darkness, siding with Saruman in the War of the Ring.


One of the oldest living Elves, Elrond has lived through several ages of Middle-Earth and possesses great knowledge. He is also a skilled healer and the lord of the Elf settlement of Rivendell. Elrond has three children: Eladon, Elrohir, and a daughter, Arwen.


Considered by many who see her to be the most beautiful woman in the world, Galadriel is one of the rulers of the forests of Lothlorien and an ancient Elf in her own right. Possessing great power and wisdom she is respected and feared by many.


The Dark Lord of Mordor, Sauron is the greatest surviving evil in the present age of Mordor. In ages past he raised a great army of Orcs and attempted to conquer Middle-Earth. He also forged the Ring of Power, in which he put a portion of his power and darkness. As long as the Ring exists, Sauron cannot be truly destroyed.

The Wraith-king

The Wraith-king is the most terrible of Sauron’s servants. Once the evil King of Angmar, he was a sorcerer who dabbled in the dark arts. Eventually enslaved by Sauron, he became a powerful ring wraith and the captain of the Nazgul.


During the first war with Sauron, Isildur cut the Ring of Power from Sauron’s hand and defeated him, temporarily. Rather than destroying the Ring when he had the chance, Isildur was lured by its power and kept the Ring for himself. He was killed shortly after and lost the Ring.


A descendent of Isildur and the heir to the vacant throne of Gondor. Aragorn initially puts himself across as just a ranger, defending the North from agents of the enemy. As war looms, however, he begins to take up his position as the King. Aragorn has a long standing romantic relationship with Elrond’s daughter Arwen.


The Lord Steward of Gondor, Denethor and his ancestors have ruled for centuries over the land of Gondor after Isildur died. Denethor is a grim, prideful man who has two sons: Boromir and Faramir. Of the two, Denethor favors Boromir.


The eldest son of Denethor, Boromir is a skilled warrior who prides himself on his prowess in battle. Devoted to the survival of Gondor, Boromir is against the destruction of the Ring and feels its power should be used as a weapon against Sauron.


The younger son of Denethor, Faramir is more peace-minded than his elder sibling. He is nonetheless a renowned warrior and does his best to defend Gondor even though receives little honor from his father.


The king of Rohan, Theoden is an old but brave man and Gondor’s staunchest ally in the war against Sauron.


Theoden’s nephew and the most renowned warrior in Rohan.


Theoden’s niece and Eomer’s sister. Eowyn envies the men riding off to war and loathes her traditional passive role as a woman. Eowyn falls in love with Aragorn, though the feelings aren’t reciprocated.


An Elf of Mirkwood, Legolas is the lone Elf in the Fellowship of the Ring and is a skilled archer.


The only Dwarf in the Fellowship, Gimli is a brave and committed warrior, if a bit a brash.

Tom Bombadil

Though he looks like merely an old man, Tom Bombadil is perhaps the most ancient creature in Middle-Earth. Residing in the Old Forest near the Shire, he is a seemingly omnipotent force within his realm. He is also flighty of mind and not inclined to join in the conflict against Sauron.


One of the oldest creatures in Middle-Earth, Treebeard is the leader of the Ents and the principal force and organizer behind their joining the war.