Henry VIII
(William Shakespeare)

Power (the rise of and fall of great men)

Coming from a place which granted Wolsey no opportunity for greatness, he set out to achieve that greatness himself, and that he did. Through careful and successful maneuvering, Wolsey became one of Henry’s most trusted advisers. From there, Wolsey grew to be powerful and wealthy, and he got what he wanted. But that way of life couldn’t last too long. It was bound to eventually catch up with him, and it did. The “fall” of this great man happened when his letter was accidentally sent to Henry, and Henry, therefore, discovered Wolsey’s true intentions. Wolsey was expelled from the court and died in New York. Wolsey rose to greatness, until his fortune was eventually reversed, thus causing his fall. Less extreme examples of this are Katharine and the Duke’s stories. Each of these three characters shows forgiveness and are ready for death after their fall.

Loyalty and Disloyalty

All of these fallen characters-- Wolsey, Katharine, and the Duke-- believe they are loyal to Henry. The Duke wants to prove that Wolsey is disloyal to the king. Coincidentally enough, before he can even do that, he is arrested for treason-- one of the highest acts of disloyalty. We honestly have no solid evidence whether or not the Duke is loyal. We just have his word against Wolsey’s.

Many would accuse Wolsey himself of being disloyal, because of his selfish intentions to become powerful and wealthy, as well as his communications with the Pope regarding the divorce. However, in act 3, scene 2, Wolsey proclaims to have been too loyal to the King: "Had I but serv'd my God with half the zeal / I serv'd my King, he would not in mine age / Have left me naked to mine enemies.”

Good vs. Evil

This theme plays off of the two themes mentioned above. Throughout the play, it is difficult to decipher whether the characters’ actions came from a pure, honest place or an evil, dishonest one. The Duke tries to accuse Wolsey of being dishonest because he doesn’t like the power and pride that Wolsey possesses, and he isn’t happy with how close he has become to the king. Does that come from a truly concerned place, or is the Duke jealous? The same question can be asked to Wolsey. The lines between the two are blurred throughout the play, allowing the reader/audience to create their own interpretations of what they consider to be good and evil.

The State of England

The Renaissance court was found during the time of Henry VIII, and it began the transition from medieval values to new values and rules. This was part of the major evolution of England during the 16th century. The power that Wolsey had over certain situations and the king had over the people of England illustrates the true nature of England at the time. The Duke was executed just based on mere speculation.

The Ring

The signet ring at the end of the play symbolizes justice and, more importantly, the king’s power. With this ring, no harm or evil can come to the possessor.