(Ayn Rand)


Ayn Rand displays many of her own philosophies in this novel and the bones of what would become her most well-known philosophy of Objectivism. The most prominent philosophy, which is fully formed by the end of the novel, is that of Egoism. Egoism is the belief that each individual should be at will to pursue their own purpose and happiness in life and should not feel as though they have an obligation to others. Equality 7-2521 realizes the importance of the ego and vows to create an entirely new society made up of people who are after their own pursuit of happiness.


No matter where Equality 7-2521 goes he is confined. He is confined to a society where he has never felt like he fits in and has never felt entirely comfortable. When he discovers the tunnel he confines himself to it because, ironically it is the only place that he feels free. After he is discovered, obeying the laws of the society Equality 7-2521 is confined to a jail cell for nearly one month to prove the importance of conforming to societal ideals. Finally, after Equality 7-2521 escapes from the society he and Liberty 5-3000 find a home in the Uncharted Forest that they will live in forever; in this way he is confined though the house is his new tunnel and he is confined in freedom.


As was mentioned previously, Equality 7-2521 finds freedom in places where he confines himself. When he finds the tunnel from the Unmentionable Times he goes there as often as possible and despite the fact that he is in a hole underground he is free to do what he wishes with his time there. Also, when Equality 7-2521 finally leaves the society he is free from rules, obligations, and to use his mind in any way he wants to. Though, it is not until Equality 7-2521 discovers books and new knowledge that he truly feels he is free from all of the lies he has grown up believing in.


In the society, no one has an identity; they are dressed the same, expected to act the same, thought to look the same, and given obscure names and numbers. Equality 7-2521 has always felt that he was different from his brothers and sisters, but that sort of thinking was forbidden so he could say nothing. When Equality 7-2521 runs away from the society, he has not yet formed an identity but he was now free to explore himself, his ideas, and the world. When Equality 7-2521 starts reading about the Unmentionable Times he is able to figure out that “I” is most important and the concept of the ego is something that all people need to embrace to discover themselves and find happiness.


This novel embodies the dystopian society. The society in which Equality 7-2521 lives is controlling of every aspect of the residents’ lives. The people do not have traditional names, they are dressed the same, they are assigned careers, they are unaware of any words that would encourage them to think for themselves and they are forbidden to have a preference about anything. There are no male/female relationships but one day each year there is a time of mating for the sole purpose of reproducing. They use the word “we” rather than “I” because they are under the impression that everything is for everyone; concepts are not even deemed to be true unless they are agreed upon by everyone.


In the society people are expected to be happy all the time but to have no notion of happiness or what can create it. It is not until Equality 7-2521 is free from the constraints of society, in his tunnel and in the forest, that he realizes that people create their own happiness through their own preferences. He realizes that he is happy with the Golden One, he is happy hunting for his own food, he is happy learning as much as he possibly can, and he is happy at the prospect of creating a new society where people are able to pursue real happiness rather than the obligatory happiness they were forced to believe before.


Equality 7-2521 has been a scientist all of his life; it is just in his nature. He has always felt different and had a desire to explore and to learn, which are things that are heavily forbidden by his society. The society which Equality 7-2521 lives in suppressed his urge to learn because they shun any activities which may make a person superior to, or more intelligent than, others. When he is left to his own devices, Equality 7-2521 discovers electricity, which could be greatly beneficial to his society but they refuse to embrace it and even fear it.


Love is a concept that is forbidden within the society because it means that a person is giving preference to another person or thing. As everyone is expected to be exactly the same and view one another equally, love is frowned upon. The only two people who seem to understand love are Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 5-3000 though they are not sure how to express it with one another because they have never witnessed it firsthand. When they realize the joys of intimacy, closeness, companionship, and shared ideals they want to spread their love with others.


Everyone in the society is loyal to one another because they are told to be. Each person is to look out for the greater good of the others and to aid the others in any way possible out of loyalty for their brothers and sisters. The people who are not loyal to the society are Equality 7-2521, Liberty 5-3000, and International 4-8818, but they are loyal to one another. International 4-8818 thinks much the same way as Equality 7-2512 and agrees to keep the tunnel a secret. Liberty 5-3000 is so loyal to Equality 7-2512 and the person she has decided he is in the short time she has known him that she abandons society to be with him and stick by his side through “damnation”.


Equality 7-2512 mentions that everyone in the society, including himself, seems fearful all the time but they do not realize they are living in fear because they have been told that they are happy. It is ironic that when Equality 7-2512 is doing exactly what society would like him to do he is living in fear, but when he is allowing himself some freedom with his thoughts, or in his tunnel, or following through with his own plans he does not have any fear. When Equality 7-2512 and Liberty 5-3000 discover the house in the forest they decide they are not afraid, which is a sign of their freedom.