The Alchemist
(Paulo Coelho)


The protagonist of the story, Santiago is a shepherd boy from Andalusia who follows his dream of searching for treasure at the Pyramids in Egypt.

The Gypsy Woman

A fortuneteller in Tarifa who interprets Santiago’s dream about finding treasure at the Pyramids in exchange for one-tenth of his treasure.


The King of Salem, Melchizedek is a prophetic old man who tells Santiago to follow his Personal Legend. He gives Santiago Urim and Thummim so that he might have guidance in reading omens.

The Thief

The thief is Spanish-speaking man who befriends Santiago in a bar in Tangier. The man later steals Santiago’s money by holding his money purse for him and losing him in a crowded market.

The Crystal Merchant

The owner of a crystal shop, the merchant hires Santiago as an employee after Santiago offers to clean all the crystal for him. Santiago works for the merchant for a year, initiating many changes that improve the business.

The Englishman

A student of alchemy, the Englishman is looking for a famous alchemist in the Al-Fayoum oasis who can turn lead into gold. Although initially standoffish, the Englishman befriends Santiago on a caravan through the desert, and the two discuss such topics as alchemy and omens.

The Camel Driver

The leader of the caravan, the camel driver guides the group through the treacherous desert to the Al-Fayoum Oasis. He tells Santiago that if you can concentrate on living only in the present, you can live a happy life.

The Alchemist

A mysterious and powerful alchemist who lives in the Al-Fayoum Oasis, the alchemist is in-tune with the Soul of the World and the powers of the universe. He eventually takes Santiago on as a disciple and guides him to the Pyramids.


A girl whom Santiago sees at a well in the oasis and immediately falls in love with. Fatima tells Santiago that he must continue his journey to fulfill his Personal Legend; she is a desert woman and desert women are used to their men leaving and returning.

The Coptic Monk

The alchemist takes Santiago to see the Coptic monk on their way to the Pyramids. The Coptic monk shares his hospitality with the visitors and holds onto a piece of treasure for Santiago in case he loses his fortune for a third time.